My flight landed in London at around 8:30 am London time today. To say i didn't get any sleep on the flight is an understatement so today has been a challenge to stay awake. The theme of today was keep moving and walking to keep from getting sleepy. Luckily my hotel let me check in early because i desperately needed a shower to clean up after the overnight flight. I used the London Underground to get from Heathrow to my hotel pretty easily and had a few minutes to sit before using the tube to get to the Royal Botanial Gardens Kew.

The gardens were amazing but they definitely would have been better if the heat hadn't damanged all the outside plants. The heat wave in the UK has been so intense it has literally sunburned so many trees in the Gardens.

After a bit of practice today i think i have the London Underground pretty figured out and am confident i can use it tomorrow as well, but hopefully i won't have to do as much walking because i am exhausted!